Family wealth management hd

Peace of Mind

Imagine having complete peace of mind about your most important financial concerns.

Imagine a team of seasoned independent experts devoted to knowing your story, your dreams, your concerns, and your expectations as they work with you to navigate today's complex financial landscape to make sure your most important goals are achieved.

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Your Personal CFO

Imagine a Personal CFO supported by a diverse team of independent experts continually engaged with you to ensure your financial life does not interfere with your personal life.

Imagine a cohesive strategy that includes not just investment management, but one that simultaneously addresses your own specific advanced plan including estate planning, insurance planning, tax planning and family and charitable gifting.

Imagine no more

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Our Expert Team Approach

We all know from real life experiences the value and benefits of working with a team. As our client's personal CFO, we utilize a highly skilled multidisciplinary professional network to leverage our core competencies. This allows our clients to efficiently address any potential financial concern they have.

Our "Even Better" Experience

  • Complimentary Discovery Process
    • Our time-tested discovery process allows us to get up to speed quickly with your financial history, concerns, and objectives. This is the first step toward determining if we can add real value to your family.
  • "Stress Test" to Identify Gaps and Opportunities for Improvement
    • Our detailed and confidential “Stress Test” allows us to respond with a valuable analysis of your existing approach, identifying any gaps between where you are now and where you’d like to be, and finally proposing a process for moving forward to bridge those gaps.
  • Teams Perform Better than Individuals
    • We are firm believers in “partnering” with our clients and their other experts. We act as a resource to educate you regarding all aspects of your wealth management plan so you can be an active participant and not a spectator.
  • Developing an Appropriate Written Investment Policy
    • We value the institutional structure of a written investment policy for all our clients. This lays the foundation for a successful process.
  • Establishing an Appropriate Asset Allocation for the Investment Portfolio
    • This is the starting point to a thoughtful investment policy. We will help you establish an asset allocation based on your risk tolerance and preferences.
  • Selecting Specific Investments
    • We have decades of experience selecting investments tailored to meet your specific expectations. We also provide shareholder proxy voting and shareholder litigation filing services at no additional cost.
  • Record Keeping and Performance Measurement
    • We track all your investments daily making this information available 24-7 at We also provide comprehensive quarterly reports including performance and benchmarking.
  • Advanced Planning
    • Once we have a sound investment plan in place, we focus on assuring your advanced planning needs are addressed. This includes:
      • Tax Planning
      • Wealth Transfer (Estate Planning)
      • Wealth Protection (Insurance)
      • Family Gifting & Philanthropy
  • Regular Progress Meetings
    • We host in person or virtual regular progress meetings to make sure we are on track to exceed your expectations.
  • Quarterly Reporting
    • Our robust reporting platform allows us to produce virtually any report you would find valuable in assuring your investment strategy is meeting your expectations. This is in addition to our monthly brokerage statements.
  • Tax Returns
    • We work closely with your CPA firm to ensure they have everything they need to complete your annual returns.

Something else we can do for you

  • Complimentary & Confidential Stress Test
    • The first step to determining if we are a good fit is to participate in our complimentary and Confidential Stress Test. This robust discovery process will provide you with a thorough review of your existing approach and identify if there is an opportunity for improvement.
  • Have Coffee with Bruce
    • We develop lifelong relationships with our clients. Feel free to reach out to Bruce by email or at 415.925.4005 for a casual meeting to determine if we have the chemistry to be successful together.
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Considering working with a new financial advisor is a big decision. Therefore, we always begin any potential engagement with a complimentary "second opinion." During this discovery process, we review your current relationship and strategy to identify any gaps between where you are now and where you'd like to be. Only then will we know if we can make a real difference in your life. After we provide our analysis and recommendations, you will know if your current advisor is still right for you or if you should consider making a change. Regardless of our recommendations, there is no cost or obligation on your part.

We work with a select list of successful families and family foundations with whom we develop deep, long-lasting relationships. We've found this focused approach delivers the value our clients deserve and enjoy.

We are currently managing approximately $600M in client assets and are committed to the approximately thirty relationships we currently have. That being said, we are eager to partner with like-minded families and family foundations that have accumulated significant wealth and who are looking for a world class experience. An ideal new relationship typically involves between $10M and $100M in investable assets. Our comprehensive fee is based on a percentage of the assets under management and can range between 0.5% per year to 1.0% per year. We do not charge hourly or performance-based fees.